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Campus Navigation App

Campus Navigation App

Campus Navigation App

Pleq, an up-and-coming startup in the education technology sector, took on an exciting mission to revamp its mobile app. The main goal was to empower students with a more efficient and user-friendly application for navigating campuses and making room/desk reservations. This case study delves into the specific challenges, processes, and outcomes of Pleq's innovative app redesign project.



Research, User Flows & Stories, Sketching, Wireframing, Visual Design, Branding, Prototyping






Education Technology



9 Days



Figma, Photoshop


Pleq, as a new entrant in the market, recognized the opportunity to provide students with a comprehensive solution for navigating their campus and reserving rooms or desks. The challenge was to develop an intuitive room reservation feature while simultaneously revamping the app's overall UI/UX. The goal was to create a seamless and user-friendly experience to meet the specific needs of students.


The redesigned Pleq app successfully addressed the challenge by offering students a comprehensive solution for campus navigation and room booking, resulting in an enhanced user experience. The app's improved room booking functionality, updated UI design, and advanced campus navigation tools have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from users. Early adopters have appreciated the app's user-friendliness, visually appealing design, and the convenience it brings to the room reservation process. As a result, Pleq is on track to make a meaningful impact in the education technology sector, showcasing its commitment to student-centric innovation and usability.


Research & Analysis: The project began with extensive research, including surveys and interviews with students. This research was instrumental in understanding pain points, preferences, and requirements, shaping the project's direction.

  1. User Personas: A variety of user personas were developed to represent different segments of the student population, each with unique preferences and needs regarding campus navigation and room reservations.

  2. User Journey Mapping: The team meticulously mapped out the user journey, pinpointing key touchpoints and identifying pain points. This exercise provided critical insights into areas requiring improvement.

  3. Ideation & Prototyping: Brainstorming sessions generated a plethora of ideas and concepts to enhance the app's functionality and UI. Prototypes were created to visualize these proposed changes.

  4. Usability Testing: Multiple rounds of usability testing were conducted with students, gathering invaluable feedback to refine the app's design and functionality iteratively.

  5. UI Design & Branding: A fresh visual identity was established for Pleq, including a new logo and brand colors. The app's UI was meticulously designed to align with the updated branding.

  6. Development & Testing: The app's development phase focused on meticulously implementing the approved design and features. Rigorous testing ensured the app's stability and reliability.

  7. Launch & User Training: The redesigned Pleq app was launched with enthusiasm, accompanied by training sessions to ensure users could make the most of its features.

Learnings: The Pleq app redesign project provided invaluable insights into the significance of user-centric design and the importance of continuous feedback. It underscored the necessity of comprehending the diverse needs of the student population and highlighted the pivotal role of usability testing in refining the app's features and UI.

Conclusion: The Pleq app redesign project was an unequivocal success, demonstrating the startup's dedication to providing innovative solutions for campus navigation and room reservations. The app has emerged as an indispensable tool for students, enhancing their campus experience and simplifying room booking. Pleq, as a startup, remains committed to ongoing enhancements based on user feedback and evolving needs, ensuring that it continues to be a valuable asset for students navigating their campus journey. This project serves as a testament to Pleq's potential in the education technology sector.


The StreamLine mobile banking app redesign successfully addressed the usability issues, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. The improved UX/UI design led to increased user adoption, engagement, and satisfaction, demonstrating the value of a well-designed template for UX designers.

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© Diego Sanjose 2023

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© Diego Sanjose 2023